FFVII: The First Soldier Gameplay Trailer

FFVII: The First Soldier Gameplay Trailer


The strange Final Fantasy VII battle royale gets a new trailer and class.

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Square Enix has released a new trailer for their upcoming battle royale title coming to mobile devices showcasing a new in-game fighting style. Comparatively to the the other classes, the Ninja is designed for mobility and equipped witha double jump ability. Players can enjoy melee combat by throwing shuriken stars, allowing for a unique fighting style. Abilities with the Ninja style include: “Hide” – where players can turn themselves invisible for a certain amount of time, and “Flurry” – where players can throw their Kunai dagger and teleport to wherever it hits.

The mobile title has already shown 4 other classes which are as followed:

  • Warrior – specializes in close-ranged melee attacks.
  • Sorcerer – mid-ranged AoE attacks is this Style’s specialty; their basic magic spells Fire, Blizzard and Thunder are powered up.
  • Monk – high-vitality Style, who has self-healing and shield abilities.
  • Ranger – skilled in seeking out enemies and sniping them from afar.

Square Enix has also announced a new “Collection” feature for players to obtain special pieces from Secret Boxes, monster drops, or certain special missions and exchange them for special items to update their look. These collections will be updated seasonally. Lastly, for newer players, the game will incorporate a new training mode, a place where players can experiment combat strategies that match their own style. This training mode can be accessed at any time.

For a mobile battle royale title, FFVII could succeed on the market much like it’s MMO equivalent title FFIV did. Regardless, battle royale titles are extremely popular with gamers, and while it’s a strange choice we’ll get to try it last this year.