Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection Review

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection Review


Now is the perfect time to be a fan of TMNT!

What a time it is to be a TMNT fan. Whether we’re talking about Shredders Revenge a few months back or the recently released Netflix film, the Teenage Mutant Turtles are looking better than they have in years. Now we have the Cowabunga Collection which brings some of the Turtle’s best outings to modern consoles. Does the Cowabunga Collection keep the TMNT success going though?

The Cowabunga Collection brings 13 Turtles titles varying from the arcade beat ‘em ups, side scroller portable titles, and even some of the fighting games if you remember them. While the titles come in their original forms, most include quality of life changes such as infinite lives because who wants to pay money for continues? Alongside games, the collection includes a plethora of history from digital comic books, images from the various shows, promotional materials, and much more making this a phenomenal homage to the TMNT history.

As I mentioned before, this game stays true to the original titles which means you’re getting a classic experience with each title for better and sometimes worse. Starting with the positives, most of these titles are your standard beat ‘em ups akin to Streets of Rage and more recently Shredders Revenge so they’re incredibly fun to pick up and play. With the addition of couch co-op and online play, you can play face off with the foot-ninjas with anyone. The collection includes enhancements varying from more enemies, level select, god mode, and even the Japanese regional versions of the titles there are a variety of ways to tackle each game. If you’re not familiar with old-school games, expect a sizable challenge as these games are tough. With titles such as Turtles in Time, the numerous enemies can get overwhelming if you’re looking to take on the challenge alone; and don’t even think about nightmare mode solo!

The fighting games in the collection end up being the weakest points mainly because they feel extremely outdated. While the games in the collection are meant to scratch that nostalgia itch, the fighting titles just showcase how dated they have become compared to modern standards. Thankfully, outside of Tournament Fighters, each entry as aged well enough to still feel enjoyable to play.

When it comes to content outside of the games, the shear abundance of memorabilia is incredible and is arguably the best part of the collection; and considering the lineup, that’s a massive accomplishment. For those looking for more nostalgia you can start by seeing the original box and manuals for the games; with both the Western and Japanese versions showcased. Fans of the cartoon series get still-shots from every season of every series of TMNT released which gives even more casual fans something to skim through. If you’re looking for more behind the scenes content you have an advertising material, media kits, and game design materials showcasing never before seen details from the development of the games which really gives you a whole new level of appreciation for how great the games are.

The Cowabunga Collection does a phenomenal job at bringing back some of the best TMNT games, and while some games are better than others, the game offers a diverse selection of titles for any type of gamer. With enhancement features, couch co-op, and online play added these games are the most accessible for new fans wanting to play through historic TMNT or people wanting to enjoy these incredible titles with their families and friends. Aspects such as the Turtle Lair adds an extensive amount of Turtles content for those wanting to take a deep dive into all things TMNT. While some games haven’t aged as well as others, the Cowabunga Collection is perfect for anyone who likes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

*Complementary copy of the game was provided by the developer for review purposes.